The NMRA's Turntable is a monthly publication which, like a railroad turntable, will lead you in several directions on the internet. 

This e-publication is a collection of railroad and model railroad videos, podcasts, websites, and/or other information freely available on the internet that we think may be of interest to you. The NMRA claims no ownership of this information, nor do we endorse its creators or their websites. The NMRA Turntable will not promote individuals or their for-profit ventures.
Dubai Trains says: "Let us have a look at the Iris Creek Valley model railroad. This is a TT scale layout set in the Rocky Mountains and features a vast diversity of scenes. I found this video on the Pennula Channel so remember to go over there and subscribe."  
In this video we see a professional layout builder put together an 8' x 13' sectional HO train layout. This is part 3 in this series and this episode concludes with the layout being prepped for shipment to the customer.
This comprehensive episode covers the scratch-built HO Scale Barge Slip Pier and the making of the Hydraulic Ramp Towers. The presenter also includes extensive insights and details. This is part 7 of a planned 8 part series on the building of this detail for the builder's HO scale small train layout. If you wish to start following this series at the very beginning click here for Part 1.
This is part one of the construction of Sam's HO model railroad, starting with the first phase of building the benchwork then adding track, wiring, and testing the train with a train controller.
This is a collection of video clinics that were broadcast in place of several in-person NMRA Division, Region, or National conventions that couldn't be attended due to the Covid19 pandemic. Some of these videos had been pre-recorded while others had been done live during each several-hours-long online broadcast appearing on both Facebook and YouTube. This was done as a way to continue to communicate with our members while the pandemic still prevented us from holding face-to-face meetings! 

Those involved in putting this collection together were truly a worldwide group of NMRA members from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the USA acting in coordination to bring us this collection of video presentations. While quality is not always guaranteed in some of these presentations, please remember that the volunteers who have organized these video events, and the members who made the videos that had appeared within them, are not paid professional videographers! 
In this episode of TSG Live Crew Lounge, our panel discusses the NMRA 2021 National Convention "Rails by The Bay" and the future of model railroad conventions - not just for the National Model Railroad Association, but in general.
In this installment, the presenter describes some theory and practical airbrush applications for HO Scale track and ballast weathering.
Here is a slideshow of Terry Terrance's former O Scale B&O layout that he describes below in his own words:

"Putting together this slideshow took me down memory lane. I remembered how much effort it took to build something like this. But in typical Systems Engineer (my profession) fashion, I took large tasks and broke them down into smaller tasks, and attacked each one. Even looking back brought back warm memories."

"When I developed some medical problems and it made sense to move into a single-level home, I tried to save the layout. A group of fellow modelers and I disassembled the layout in a non-destructive manner. The next day I drove the pieces to a storage unit in Tennessee. That's where it has been since Sept. 2020."

"After compiling this video, I realize that my infirmity is such that I would not be likely to be able to reassemble the layout; even if I had a basement to put it in. So the time has come to let it go."

Today's Model Railroad Basics video is part 3 of the creek on Reid's Train Stuff layout rehab series, where he uses Woodland Scenics Water Effects to make rapids and make the creek look like it's flowing. Reid admits, "honestly, this is not something I'm 100% good at, so hopefully it'll come out ok."

Danny Harmon explains why railroad companies frequently couple locomotives back-to-back rather than elephant style with each locomotive facing forward.

Today we will look at six Creative Train games that allow you to create a map, add track, scenery, locos, and then play with some trains (oops the presenter means to create an authentic simulation with the map you just created). In the video, we will look at each game one at a time first taking a quick look at a pre-made route, and then we will make a very simple oval or end-to-end line while chatting about the games' good and bad points. At the end, we'll take a look at a chart scoring the games on their good and bad points and he'll explain why he has scored everything as he has.

The video looks at the creative side of each game and not other aspects it may have. 

Some questions we look at are:
How easy is it to lay track and add scenery? 
How many free mods does it have? 
Are the graphics any good?

Essentially all these games let you have a model railway/railroad on your PC. But are they any good?
Welcome to the Dayton & Troy Electric Railway! This will be the presenter's attempt at building an interurban model railroad-style route in Trainz a New Era

In this episode, we get started on the track work. In episode 2 we'll begin the process of detailing our first scenes. 
"And Then There Was One" is a feature-length documentary that tells the story of Southern Railway #4501 and the men and women who have cared for her.

This documentary was produced by a small group of volunteers who had an interest in telling this story to the public. It has been made available completely free on YouTube for anyone to view. This project was accomplished with absolutely zero outside funding.

The NMRA Partnership Program is a member benefit that truly has a tangible payback. We've partnered with model railroad manufacturers of all sizes, giving them exposure on our website in return for receiving generous discounts for NMRA members all year long. Some provide members with special codes, others prefer a phone or email order, but all appreciate the additional business from our members. And of course, our members appreciate the extra savings...savings that can actually pay the cost of NMRA membership! Be sure to check back often as new Partners are being added all the time.  
The Division Business Car column appears in even-numbered months in NMRA Magazine. It's loaded with great modeling ideas, plus useful information that can help make your Division, Region or 100% NMRA Club even better. The information comes from articles published in Region, Division, and club newsletters. The best of these articles are posted on the NMRA website. You can read the entire archive, from as far back as 2011 right up to the latest posting, by clicking here.
Previous issues of the NMRA Turntable are available on the Turntable Archives page. You must first log in as a member at:  After you are in the members-only section, then you must hover over 'Publications' on the menu bar, then 'NMRA Turntable', and then click on one of the list of back issues.

Editor: Paul V. Voelker

Executive Editor: Rick Coble

The NMRA Turntable is an official monthly production of the National Model Railroad Association, Inc. Publishing Department (Riley Triggs Manager). Its purpose is to introduce NMRA members to a selection of instructional videos and online publications that they may find of interest. If you know of an NMRA member who is not receiving this mailing, please direct them to here to update their email address. If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please don't mark them as SPAM. Instead, click the Safe Unsubscribe link at the bottom of this page. ©2021 National Model Railroad Association, Inc., P.O. Box 1328, Soddy Daisy TN 37384.